Do you know what antistatic masterbatch does?

Antistatic masterbatch can be applied to blow molding, injection molding, extrusion molding and other molding processing methods.antistatic plastic  It can evenly disperse in plastic products, reduce surface resistivity and disperse surface charge density through the migration of active factors and nanomaterials in the masterbatch to the surface of plastic products, so as to achieve antistatic effect; and can improve the following defects of plastic products. Phenomenon:

For most plastic products, dust absorption must be prevented during storage and use so as not to affect the appearance and performance of the final product.

When processing plastic products with areas, such as films and fibers, the force generated by electrostatic charges will interfere with the processing process, hinder the normal winding of films and fibers, and the printability of products will also be disturbed by electrostatic charges.

Discharge caused by high electrostatic charge will damage the performance of the product: for example, the packaging and disassembly of electronic chips will affect the normal operation of high-precision instruments such as electronic communications and medical equipment. In flammable and explosive places, electric discharge can cause fire or explosion.


Application and Development of Antistatic Plastics 

Anti-static plastic – the main measures of anti-static: 

Basic knowledge of anti-static plastics 

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